Slide VIEW VACANCIES WELCOME TO AP PRENTIS Ap Prentis is an ‘Apprenticeship Training Agency’ (ATA)

“Tell me and I’ll forget, Show me and I may remember, Involve me and I’ll learn”

Benjamin Franklin


Who We Are

Ap Prentis is an ‘Apprenticeship Training Agency’ (ATA) which employs Apprentices, places them with host companies and looks after their employment contract terms and conditions.

Our aim is to place apprentices in sustainable employment, which offers quality training opportunities and is within the local area. We work in partnership with local referral organisations, training providers and colleges to ensure both apprenticeship and traineeship programmes are designed to upskill young people in North Wales.

Ap Prentis can overcome many of the common barriers to apprenticeship delivery including:

  • Finding local job ready candidates.
  • Providing continuous employment for the duration of an apprenticeship.
  • Having a lack of resource within HR, outreach, pre-employment, pastoral care and links with training providers.

For a host employer

For a host employer, the Apprenticeship Training Agency (ATA) model can take on the recruitment and HR responsibilities, allowing you to get on with your business and benefit from supporting an Apprentice at the same time. Some reasons why employers work with an ATA:

  • Would like an Apprentice but do not have the infrastructure yet to employ their first Apprentice
  • Would like help and support to recruit an Apprentice
  • Are a larger employer experiencing a recruitment freeze or have a head count restriction

The ATA is not a temporary worker business but rather a means to offer real flexibility in the delivery of a high quality Apprenticeship. This flexibility also applies where employers may not be able to offer all aspects of a framework but linking them with other host employers allows the full range to be covered.

Are you interested in the ATA model and would like more information on how Ap Prentis can support you please call 01758 703820 or email [email protected]


For an Apprentice

For an Apprentice, Ap Prentis supports young people to find an apprenticeship which matches their individual needs. All host employers are vetted to ensure they comply with apprenticeship requirements and that they offer an appropriate training experience. Support includes:

  • Developing a CV
  • Identifying key employment requirements
  • Matching to the most suitable host employer
  • Regular contact whilst in employment, offering advice and support, if required
  • Providing a shared apprenticeship programme if one host cannot offer the whole apprenticeship experience


Find Your Opportunity

Apprenticeships are a great way to gain qualifications while you work and earn a wage.